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Coach Ian – Week In Review: 08/16/2020

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  • August 15, 2020April 22, 2021

Coach Ian – Week in Review: What I’m looking into: Levels Health: As many of you know, I’ve been experimenting with a CGM (continuous glucose monitor) to track my blood sugar levels throughout the day, tracking how it changes in response to stress, HIIT training, steady-state cardio, nutrition, fasting, and more. Well, Levels Health (not publicly available yet) has an app that monitors that data and assigns you a “metabolic health score”. It is really interesting to see this kind of data being use for athletic performance and overall health, rather than in response to metabolic dysfunction. With these analytics,… Read More »Coach Ian – Week In Review: 08/16/2020

Book Review: Carnivore Code by Paul Saladino

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  • July 17, 2020November 14, 2021

Recently, I finished up the book “Carnivore Code” by Dr Paul Saladino. I’m not exactly on the Carnivore diet bandwagon (I still eat a lot of plants), but still wanted to get a better understanding of the science behind a meat-only diet. Paul Saladino challenges many of the prevailing notions in health, and it was interesting to read his counter arguments. There are probably too many to list here, but here were a few highlights from the book: Cholesterol: Paul does a great job of detailing the important role cholesterol plays in overall health, and why you don’t just want… Read More »Book Review: Carnivore Code by Paul Saladino